24 October 2020

Life has not been very easy for us during this time of the pandemic. At various levels of our lives, we have embraced challenges at varying degrees. Nevertheless, there is still smile on our faces and joy in our hearts and there are multiple reasons to be grateful.

Today, we celebrate in thanksgiving as we remember the birth of Claret School of Quezon City fifty-three years ago and the birth of St. Anthony Mary Claret in

heaven one hundred and fifty years ago. The Institution that bears the name of a holy man remains blessed to share in his spirituality and mission. We are grateful that the mission we have received from God through the inspiration of St. Anthony Mary Claret continues today in the ministry that we do in Claret School.

Such imprint of missionary zeal as we proclaim the joy of the Gospel is made vivid through the lives and witnessing of our esteemed colleagues whom we honor in this year’s Gawad Parangal—Pagkilala sa mga Kaagapay sa Misyon. Those who have stayed with us for the past five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, and thirty years and those who have reached the fullness of service in this Institution are living signs of that fire of mission we share in our community.

We believe we have to continue that journey of mission as we are sent incommunio with the Congregation and with the Church. Together with our Father Founder, we respond to the Lord as we say “Here we are, send us.” Yes, we are sent with the Congregation particularly the Claretian Missionaries in the Philippine Province as we are celebrating the advent of the 75th year of the Claretian Missionary Presence in the Philippines. Yes, we are sent with the Church particularly the Catholic Church in the Philippines as we remember the 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines in 2021.

Dear friends in the mission, we continue to embrace the call to be sent not by our own right and privilege but always in solidarity with the Congregation and with the Church. We are Claretians. We are Catholics. We share the faith and mission we have received in this community, theClaret School of Quezon City.


May this celebration, amidst the pandemic, continue to set our hearts afire with mission in the service of the Gospel as we are sent in communio with the Congregation and with the Church.

At the beginning of this School Year and as we prepared to hurdle the challenges brought about by CoVID-19, we claimed with the Claretian spirit —“Nothing daunts us!” We remain dauntless because we are afire with the mission of God and we all share this mission.

Scientia Maxime cum Virtute

Mabuhay po tayong lahat!