September 5, 2020
Dear parents, good morning!
As we thank you for making the important choice of journeying with Claret School of Quezon City this school year 2020-2021 amidst the crisis that we are going through, it is our prayer that the flicker of hope continues to radiate in our homes and in our personal lives.
This year, in an unprecedented time, the partnership between the School and the home through the CSPTA anchored on the Philosophy and Vision-Mission of Claret School of Quezon Cityshould remain well-established through a meaningful collaboration. There is a need to strengthen this relationship especially now that parents take a more active role in the learning of their children through the Claret Operative Distance Education (CODE). The CSPTA, as expected, must remain in a healthy and dynamic dialogue with the teachers, staff, and administrators to offer better accompaniment for every Claretian student in the distance learning modality and make the CODE really efficient in the growth and development of each learner. The CODE, with the supervision and leadership of the Academic Administrators, remains aligned with our dream of forming Claretians in knowledge that is best with virtue.
The environment that would support this values-infused academic journey has to be carefully set in every home so that you, our dear parents, who remain as the primary formators of your children, will ensure that Claretian values remain integral in the growing years of your children. The challenge may not be easy and may have its complications; but we can always dialogue with one another in order that the support needed for the wholistic development of the Claretian learner shall be in place. We thank the support programs available for every Claretian through the Faith Education and Enrichment Department, the Student Development Center, the Instructional Media Center, the Clinic and other student services.
The environment may not be perfect for a total development but we never give up in pushing for the best that may be offered to our Claretian students.
As we continue our journey together, the Administration, after a careful study, deems it necessary to ask the current composition of the CSPTA Board to continue their service as officers and members of the Board for SY 2020-2021. There are limitations brought about by the pandemic and as we have set in the Administrative Council the extension of terms of the various heads and administrators, we shall adopt the same for the CSPTA Board during this extraordinary year. We have to focus on helping the parents cope with the online learning of their children and promote parental engagement. The recalibration of the PTA Projects in accord to the signs of the times is necessary particularly focusing on
1. CSPTA Goal-Oriented Development Plan
2. possible scholarship aid or financial grant to students who are in need;
3. formation and solidarity programs for parents/guardians in-charge of home care; and 4. student safety management and wellness.
The CSPTA, which is part of the School Community and operates directly under my Office must move with a common desire to exhibit care and concern for the wellbeing of everyone and not simply on particular self-serving agenda.
Thank you to the CSPTA Board for all the extra work that you do. Although there were programs and projects in the recent past that were disrupted due to the pandemic, your heart for CSQC has remained.
To all parents, thank you for your trust and confidence in the Claretian Education and Formation. Our mission as Claretian Missionaries continues with you—zealous as ever, dauntless to the end.
Mabuhay po kayong lahat!
Scientia Maxime Cum Virtute