Article Index


  1. How do I request for a certification?

For certification that covers Visa Application/Enrolment, Ranking, Graduation, English as a Medium of Instruction, Diploma Translation , Attendance and Candidacy for Graduation, please send a letter of request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For certification that covers Honors , Awards, Medals and Recognition, please send a letter of request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The letter of request must indicate the purpose of the certification. Documents shall be made available after 3 – 5 working days.


  1. How do I get transcript of records?

A letter of request shall be forwarded through the official email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Attach the official request from the school where the student is enrolled. The Registrar’s office will send the credential to the receiving school through courier. (D.O. no.54, s.2016)


  1. When to request transcript of records?

Transcript of Records is requested for Studies Abroad, Further Studies and Employment Purposes. Processing of said documents will take 7 to 10 working days. Email the letter of request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Payment will be coursed through a bank provider. Please see payment options.


  1. How do we process the release of Certificate of Good Moral and Recommendation Letters/Forms from the Guidance Center?

Certificate of Good Moral and Recommendation Letters/forms may be requested from the office of the Student Development Center by sending an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and give your name, grade and section, and the email address of the school where you are applying.

  1. How do parents pay their tuition and other dues?

The General Guidelines on Payment and the Enrolment Procedure are already posted in the Website.


  1. Shall the school lower the tuition fee since classes will be held online?

The tuition cannot be reduced because this is dedicated to salaries and wages. Miscellaneous fees were lowered from 40-60 %. Please check the website for the Assessment of Fees for SY 2020-2021.


  1. Is the reservation fee deductible upon payment of fees?

The reservation fee is automatically deducted from the student account upon payment during enrolment.


  1. Do we pay separately for the PTA fee?

The PTA fee of P300 per family is paid separately to the amount due for enrolment.


  1. We have received an SMS informing us about our account balance. What do we do with this balance?

When your son’s account shows an existing balance, please pay the full amount before enroling your son for school year 2020-2021.

When your son’s account has a credit balance, the credit balance will be treated as a deposit payment for his matriculation fees, if enroling for school year 2020-2021. If your son shall not enrol for whatever reason for the coming school year 2020-2021, or has graduated from the School, the credit balance shall be refunded for deposit to your bank account upon your instruction by sending us an e-mail with your bank account details.

You will be notified WHEN to give this details upon the actual receipt of the funds from DepEd.


  1. Will Claret School offer the credit card facility payment this school year?

Yes, the availability of credit card facility will be announced soon as necessary arrangement is being processed with the bank provider.


  1. Can we pay by credit card in person?

At the moment, the School is closed. You will be updated as soon as the offices will open.


  1. If we pay on installment, is there a possibility that interest charges be waived?

The interest rates have been lowered. Please check the assessment.


  1. What will happen to unutilized fees?

Unutilized fees shall be reimbursed by crediting these to the student account for SY 2020-2021. These are already reversed and accordingly adjusted in the balance sent to your registered number through SMS. Students who will not be enrolled in CSQC for SY 2020-2021 shall have to email the Finance Office for instructions regarding reimbursements. Released funds intended for year-end activities (e.g., Pasasalamat, Graduation Ball, etc.) shall be subjected to review once the persons-in-charge of the said activities shall submit the Financial Report.


  1. What is the status of the ESC and the SHS Voucher Program Grants?

The government grants (ESC and SHS VP) are not yet credited to the School Account as of today (25 June 2020). However, the crediting of the said grants to participating students (SY 2019-2020) has been posted last April 30.


  1. When do we apply for ESC and SHS VP for 2020-2021?

For SY 2020-2021, the School continues to participate in the ESC and SHS Voucher Program of DepEd through the PEAC (FAPE). There are 186 slots for ESC Grant that may be applied by incoming Grade 7 students. The SHS Voucher Program shall be applied by incoming Grade 11 students. Date of application shall be announced through the PEAC website. CSQC will keep you posted on this.


  1. Is there a need to verify the bank accounts of CSQC before making any payment just to make sure that we are not going to any “hackers” account?

The partner banks are enlisted in the enrolment procedure. Please ensure to carefully follow the instructions.


  1. I am a solo parent. Am I entitled to any tuition discount?

You will need to present a solo parent ID, ITR, and your son’s birth certificate. All available discounts/grants are subject for review and approval by the Office of the School Director.


  1. What curriculum will be offered?

The School shall offer the curriculum based on the DepEd’s most essential learning competencies. Christian Living Education and the entire program of the Faith Education and Enrichment Department shall still be in place to ensure the integration of academic excellence and Claretian Values.


  1. What platform shall be used?

The School shall use the cloud-based Microsoft 365 as the platform. Orientation on how this will work will be scheduled with Students and Parents before the start of classes.


  1. To what extent and in what Grade Level will parent assistance be required?

Parent assistance will be required from Junior Nursery Level to Grade 3 Level. However it is recommended that parents should closely collaborate with the teachers in all levels for better learning experience of the students.


  1. Will the distance education of the School be in full scale for one school year?

Yes, the Claret Operative Distance Education (CODE) is in full scale for the entire school year.

Click here for the Grade School CODE. Click here for the High School CODE.


  1. If we already have an installed and licensed Office 365, can the fee be deducted?

The fee cannot be deducted. The licensed MS Office 365 of the School has to be linked with each student for seamless learning experience. Each student shall be given an official account linked to the School's domain once enrolled. The access to our system will be provided by the School.


  1. Are the parents required to purchase a separate licensed MS 365?

The school shall provide the licensed MS 365 and this is included in the miscellaneous fees. Each student will be given an account once officially enrolled.


  1. When can we have the list and price of books?

The list and cost of books will be issued once we get the official price list from the publisher.