As part of the Student Development Center’s Career Guidance Program, the Grades 7, 8 and 10 students had their career orientation to prepare them for Senior High School, higher education and careers. The career seminars discussed how academic performance starting from Grade 7 can affect their admission into top colleges and universities and in their career choices.


Grade 7 Students

The career talks entitled Goals: A Career Seminar for Grade 7 Students and Assessment: A Career Seminar for Grade 8 Students held last October 3 at the School AVR aimed to improve students’ self-awareness in recognizing different career options. These also aimed to establish how well the students know themselves and to acknowledge interest signals as a precursor to their future career choices. The speaker in both activities was Mr. Serafin Geronimo, Jr., Career Educator and Director for Communications, Guidance NGO.


Grade 8 Students


Choices: A Career Seminar for Grade 10 Students was also held last September 11 at the AVR. The activity aimed to help the students choose the ideal senior high school track and strands in their quest for college programs and careers. The speaker was Mr. Jose Marie Flores, Assistant Director for Communications, Guidance NGO. During the talk, the students were oriented on some salient features of the Senior High School program. He gave relevant reasons why SHS students have to go through the core, applied and specialized subjects.


Grade 10 Students


As early as Grade 7, Claretian students are being accompanied in their future career choices which will greatly affect their life choices as future adults. #ScientiaMaximeCumVirtute