The CSQC personnel welcomed the Advent Season with a recollection last November 26, 2022. The Advent Recollection was facilitated by Fr. Julius “Jay” Coching, CMF. In his talk, Fr. Jay explained the meaning of the four candles which are HOPE, FAITH, JOY and PEACE. He also gave the personnel a challenge to complete a weekly task before lighting the weekly Advent candle on their personal Advent wreaths. They were challenged to give assurance to somebody, to invite someone to attend the Holy Eucharist, to forgive someone and to find time to pray.
The Advent Recollection was followed by the talk on Claretian Spirituality by Fr. Alejandro “Alex” Gobrin, CMF. In his sharing, Fr. Alex mentioned that ADVENT is a time to wait, a time to hope. Fr. Alex expounded on verses 1-8 from the Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3 which centered on TIME. Afterwards, the personnel had small group sharing on their reflections about the reading. Using the “La Fragua” process, their sharing centered on where they are at the moment, how they perceive God’s presence where they are now, how they are called to grow and how they can contribute to the growth of others. In summary, Fr. Alex said that Advent is a time to begin without losing sight of the beyond.
The morning session culminated with the Holy Eucharist which was presided by Fr. Alex Gobrin. Fr. Wigbert M. Papa, CMF, the FEED Coordinator concelebrated during the mass.
On November 28, the entire CSQC community welcomed the Advent Season as witnessed by students who were present onsite and also those who were having classes online. After the flag ceremony, advent wreaths from the different offices and classrooms were blessed by Fr. Charles Jocris M. Mortela, CMF, the Spiritual Director.